Keep Your Home Healthy With Better Indoor Air This Winter

Man Repairing Air Conditioner

With colder temperatures and increased indoor living, winter can take its toll on the quality of air in your home. Winter generally means you’ll spend a lot more time inside, so it’s important to make sure the air you breathe is clean and fresh. Poor indoor air quality (IAQ) may trigger allergies, asthma, and other […]

Start the New Year Right: The Top Benefits of Routine Furnace Maintenance

Technician looking over a gas furnace

The HVAC industry advises homeowners to schedule annual furnace maintenance every fall. Despite that, many don’t and simply wait until something goes wrong. The downside to that approach is that it can cost you a lot more money in the end. Let’s explore why you should kick off the new year right with a furnace […]

The Importance of IAQ This Holiday Season

dirty vent duct

The air you breathe inside your home has a very real effect on how you feel and your overall health. Good IAQ can have a positive effect on you. Likewise, bad IAQ can have a negative effect. The holidays are a time when there’s great potential for air quality issues. Everyone is indoors for long […]

Handle These AC Issues Before Fall

installer fixes air conditioner

It is important to get your AC serviced every year, and just before fall is a great time to do it as your system recovers from high usage. While there are different issues you could potentially encounter during a routine AC service, let’s explore a few of the most common ones you may find. 1. […]

4 Ways to Optimize Your AC Unit for Summer

woman using remote control air conditioner

An air conditioner is crucial for keeping you comfortable during the hot summer weather. However, due to frequent use, some of its components wear out faster than anticipated; hence, you need to inspect, repair, and replace as needed. Below are some tips to optimize your air conditioning system. 1. Replace Air Filters Over time, dust, […]

The Benefits of Installing an Air Conditioner in the Spring

worker installs air conditioner

Spring is a transitional season to prepare you for hot weather, so an AC installation should be near the top of your to-do list. Unfortunately, this task often comes behind spring cleaning, gardening and seasonal item swapping. But including AC installation as part of your spring tasks has surprising benefits. Flexible Appointment Times Spring is […]

Keep Your Boiler Working During the Winter

Technician servicing gas boiler

Everyone knows how cold winters can get, and if your boiler stops working, it can be a catastrophe. The good news is that there are things you can do or have your HVAC professional do to make sure that your boiler can withstand the stress of winter. Here are some tips. Flush Your Boiler A […]

Your Comprehensive AC Maintenance Checklist to Start Your Year Off Right

Air conditioner maintenance

The new year is just around the corner, which means it’s time to make sure your home’s air conditioning system is ready to tackle whatever temperatures come your way. By taking the time to care for your system, you are giving yourself a chance to save on energy costs and extend the overall lifespan of […]

4 Ways to Make Your Home Smell Fresh This Holiday Season

Multi-Generation Family Celebrating Christmas At Home

The holidays are finally here, and it’s time to get busy preparing your home for holiday guests. But there’s more to consider than food, presents, and holiday decorations. You also want to create an environment that is physically comfortable and free of obnoxious odors, dust, and airborne pollutants. Here are four ways to improve indoor […]

3 Telltale Signs Your Furnace Needs Repair This Fall

You’ll need your furnace system to function effectively and efficiently when winter’s chill arrives. Autumn is the time to call a technician ASAP if your furnace is unable to produce heat as expected. Here are three signs that your furnace needs repair this fall. 1. Sudden Increase in Energy Bills If you have noticed your […]